Heydo Standalone Connection Guide

Welcome to the Heydo Standalone Connection Guide.

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a standalone connection for Heydo by using the username and application password from your WordPress website. Please note, this method offers basic functionality and may not support all advanced features planned for future updates.

Step 1: Retrieve Your WordPress Credentials

Firstly, you need to obtain your WordPress username and application password. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to ‘Users’ and select your profile.
  3. Scroll down to ‘Application Passwords’.
  4. Create a new application password, noting it down along with your WordPress username.

Step 2: Enter Credentials in Heydo Cloud Account

Now, with your WordPress credentials in hand, you need to enter them into your Heydo Cloud account:

  1. Log in to your Heydo Cloud account.
  2. Navigate to the ‘Dashboard’ section.
  3. Look for the website if you already created, if not, now is a good time to create one.
  4. Enter your WordPress username and the application password you just created in the appropriate field.

Step 3: Finalize the Connection

After entering your credentials:

  1. Save your settings to establish the connection between your WordPress site and Heydo Cloud.
  2. You should now be able to manage your WordPress site using Heydo Cloud with the standalone connection.

Important Consideration

Remember that the standalone connection method is currently limited in terms of functionality. It may not support all the advanced features and capabilities that we plan to integrate into Heydo in the near future.


If you encounter any issues with the standalone connection, consider reverting to the plugin method for a more robust integration. For detailed instructions on how to install and use the Heydo plugin, please refer to our Heydo WordPress Plugin Installation Guide.

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